

Lawsuit challenges voter residency law in New Hampshire


CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a federal lawsuit challenging a New Hampshire law that makes residency a condition of voting in the state, saying it unconstitutionally restricts the right to vote for students.

New Hampshire is the only state that doesn't require residency. The lawsuit filed Wednesday against Secretary of State William Gardner and Attorney General was brought on behalf of two Dartmouth College students. They say the law, which takes effect July 1, burdens their right to vote by requiring new voters to shift their home state driver's licenses and registrations to New Hampshire.

Current law allows college students and others to vote who consider the state their "domicile," counting the state as their place of residence "more than any other place." That doesn't carry the requirements of "residency."

Gardner said everyone who votes ought to vote under the same standards.