

First suspect in Vermont-Boston gun case pleads not guilty


BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) — One of two men charged with bringing drugs to Vermont in exchange for guns they took back to Boston has pleaded not guilty to federal charges.

Thirty-four-year-old Darwin Medina entered the plea Tuesday during an appearance before a federal magistrate in Burlington.

Prosecutors say Medina and 26-year-old John Guerrero told people in northwestern Vermont they were members of the Latin Kings street gang. They allegedly brought drugs to Vermont and gave them to people who bought guns on their behalf.

Court documents say five of the guns were recovered by police in the Boston area, and some have been matched to shootings in South Boston.

In court, Medina answered the judge's questions but didn't address the underlying charges.

Guerrero is due in court next week. A message seeking comment was sent to Guerrero's lawyer.