

Croat court orders detention after body found in freezer


ZAGREB, Croatia (AP) — A Croatian court has ordered one month's detention for a woman suspected of killing her sister, whose body was found in a freezer more than 18 years after she went missing.

The court in the northern town of Varazdin said Wednesday that Smiljana Srnec must remain in detention because she could influence witnesses during the investigation.

The case has shocked Croatia since coming to light. Jasmina Dominic was reported missing in 2005 but was last seen in 2000 when she was 23 years old. Local reports say a family member found her body Saturday in a freezer in the Dominic family home in the village of Pavlovec, northeast of Zagreb.

Croatian media report that an autopsy showed Dominic suffered at least two blows in the head with a blunt instrument.