

2020 census deadline quickly approaching

Sept. 30 final day to participate in 2020 census
and last updated

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Florida is still lagging the rest of the country in terms of census response. The national rate is 64-percent but Florida is at 61.

The deadline for the 2020 census is September 30. Door-to-door knocks have resumed. Census workers will have a badge and a mask. They’ll conduct the interview from outside of your home. It will only take about 10 minutes at the most.

“So let’s say if you’re living alone of course it’s going to be a shorter time,” said Marilyn Stephens - Assistant Regional Census Manager. “Remember in a census we count everyone that was living in the household on April 1. But if a baby was born on April 2nd then that baby won’t be in this census. But that baby will benefit from the resources over the next 10 years.”

You can self-respond to for the 2020 cenus here. Or call the census at 844-330-2020.

“The census is far to important to not be counted,” said Stephens. “Over the next 10 years the question is this. Will our community have the resources that it needs for the next 10 years? Will we get our fair share? And we get a once a decade reset.”