

There's a Tinder for cows and it's called Tudder

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There's a Tinder for cows and it's called Tudder.

Cows need love too. Now cattle are getting help from their human owners to match them up potential partners with "Tudder," a Tinder-inspired app by Hectare Agritech.

Just like Tinder, on Tudder, a farmer can swipe right to confirm a cow or left to reject it in the hunt for the perfect match. When a farmer does swipe right, the app links up to SellMyLivestock where the seller of that animal is available to contact.

The app began in the United Kingdom, currently represents around 42,000 U.K. animals and is available for download on Samung and Apple phones.

According to Hectare Agritech, co-founder Jamie McInnes commented the following about the company's launch:

“Finding the right match can be daunting for us humans, let alone if you’re a four-legged farm animal. Traditionally, playing moo-pid for cows would require proper grafting: visiting each herd of hopefuls at different farms, or at an auction market, all the while running the risk that the best cow on the market has simply slipped past you.

"Buying breeding cattle is now enabled by a huge amount of genetic data to create the perfect match. This is the equivalent to a human online dating profile, except it is validated in science rather than a self-proclaimed GSOH.”

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