

Farming the Future Works with Students at Apalachee Elementary

Farming the Future Works with Students at Apalachee Elementary
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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) - A Leon County elementary school is getting some new greenery, all while teaching kids about sustainable living.

Farming the Future worked with students at Apalachee Elementary to use their green thumbs to plant vegetables this morning.

They also learned about fish and aquaponics.

Organizers say it's important for kids to learn about their environment and where their food comes from.

Organizers say the garden has dual purposes; the food grown in the gardens throughout Leon County Schools are used in school lunches as well.

Without the community support from Mickey from Tallahassee Nurseries, the Garden Center by Gator Trax, and Builder's First Source, organizers say that none of this would have been possible.