

Democratic Black Caucus of Florida endorses Mayor Gillum


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) - The Democratic Black Caucus of Florida has officially endorsed Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum for Florida Governor.

The group made the announcement at a press conference earlier Wednesday morning.

Gillum said it's an honor to be endorsed by a group that connects to the voters.

He also mentioned his status as the 'only non-millionaire Democrat' in the primary and how it makes him more relatable to those casting ballots.

"One of my opponents is 11,000 times wealthier than I am, but I think I am in good company," said Gillum. "Because I am an in the company of everyday average Floridians who know what it means to get up every day to try to work on a job, to try to earn a wage, to try to take care of yourself and your family."

The news comes as a new poll reveals Gillum is in the lead in the Democratic field with 29 percent.

U.S. Representative Gwen Graham has 24 percent and former Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine has 17 percent.

Also in the race for Florida governor, businessmen Jeff Greene and Chris King as well as Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam and Congressman Ron DeSantis.

Our political contributor, Doctor Richard Murgo, says the endorsement may help increase the African American voter turn out through out the state.

"This will simply endorse that and I think it will garner a lot more of African-American support. However, a lot of this is going to depend on African-American turn out in Florida," said Dr. Murgo. "If he's able to get the turnout in Florida, brilliant, it's going to help him and this may do that this may bring African-Americans out to vote."

The Florida primary is Tuesday, August 28.